so im at the libary right now and it sucks beacuse i cant take any books home with me cause i need to have something that has my banff adress on it. ahhhh. ok well thats fine but i really wanted to have some books home with me. i am starting to get board. my roomate kinda like i dont no doesnt want to hang out with me or something, she doesnt invite me to do stuff so whatever. i just dont feel like sitting around and watching tv anymore. so last night i went for a walk into town and did some window shopping and got some food. tonight im going to play pool with some fellow tub cleaning professionals. I think on thursday(day off) im going to head up to the hot springs with some aussi's.
Shit is still good here, but that tyler porter guy was no help about moving around at the hotel, so on to plan b. There is a place here called the banff art center and i want to work there. it is kinda like the guild and sharrons uncle works there. plus it would have a million times more to do with school then cleaning rooms.
oh did you know that when the glasses are dirty at hotels they just spray some shit on them and wipe them off. YUCK. never drink out of a glass in a room again!!!
ok so im going to get back to the books. my brain was dying for something, anything marketing related.
Careoh ryan took some pics the on sunday ill be sure to post some.