Friday, June 03, 2005

i have just realized that i have been talking to a brick wall all this time.

so good luck with all that shit. DO NOT come looking for advice from me.


and it feels soooooo good.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

i cant wait to finish school and get working again. now i can make some real money and do what i love.

mike is well and him and i are better than ever!! i love my man!

i have been draged into the usual amount of drama but i am too focused on school to give a shit!
sorry to all my girl friends for being MIA lately, i love you all the same as befor i just am a little busyer.
i cant wait to do the photo shoot for BERAZZLED TEA!!
this week some time.

got to go to public relations.
ill post soon
its been over a year since i have posted!!
so there is alot new with me. i am soo glad to be out of m&m's and going to school
i am doing really well and i love my course!! i think i found my thing.
