Saturday, August 20, 2005



and i have always beleived that crazyness is contagious, and i feel like i caught it tonight.

thats right its 5 fucking 31

this is
Carolyn Macdougall, CBC News, Charlottetown

Friday, August 19, 2005

hey so its 3:14 and i am quite drunk i went to hunteres tonight an totaly treated myself to way tooo many cosmos. but its sooooo sex in the city!!!! and oh fuckare they good and they get you soo hammered!!!
some nights its hard to be a good girl. but i was good, real good, tonight.

im looking forward to the long weekend. i have to work tomarrow night again and i have like a million things due on monday,but what ever.

so i have started all my new shit at school and its cool so far. Accounting kinda sucks shit but ill get over it. i hate it cause its like the only thing in the world that i cant just get stoned and do. it is far too complacated{sp?} and im not cool with that. i will give er shit though cause i want to keep up the average. BY THE WAY MY AVERAGE IS 94% AT THE MOMENT. isnt that the crazyest!!!!!

so im totaly on the hunt for a inturnship in halifax at the moment. i think it will rock. i hope that trac, mike,geoff and i all get a place together.i want to shoot for the moon and where ever i land it will be among the stars.

i just got my first check from the guild tonight and it was for more than i make in a month. man EI sucks. but going to school at 80% off and being payed to do nothing is cool.but so little money.

3 too many cosmos + two tooo many vodka and limes and one too many doubbles oh and not to forget the pint of wisky i had before i left lills.