Friday, June 20, 2003


So I went and saw the Hulk tonight with Alex and Brian. It was really funny because half-way through Alex and Brian were joking about the extreme closeups. I hadn't noticed before then, but after that i couldn't think of anything but. I think the director ran out of ideas or something.


So i got a hedgehog. Herbie.

He doesn't like me right now. He curls up and snuffs.

I think he'll come around.

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

so i just went to the superstore to open a stupid fucking bank account and the fuckers wouldn't give me one. why? you ask. because i have horrible credit. i know that it is my own fault but i found my self crying in the fucking supermarket because of it. it just sucks cause i cant rebuild my credit if i cant even get a fucking account. and it all makes me realise that i will never be able to go to school, buy a car or a house. im fucked totaly. and there is not a thing i can do about it. how am i supoose to have a fintial future if i cant even get an account. well the moral of this story is be smart with your money DONT get a credit card especially if you are 18 and dont realize that you are fucking your self over for life. but it doesnt suprize me im stupid with my money fuck i cant even spell im just stupid in general and i wish that i didn't have to hear it from the nice lady from the superstor.

fuck im fucked

Monday, June 16, 2003

One Year Ago Today