Friday, March 15, 2002

Ok, so i was totally obviously pissed last night. But once i got some choclate into me i was ok again. I think i'm going to a show tonight with Care. Gotta support the scene! Just incase anyone wonders. If i ever write some weird abstract depressed shit on here (which i hopefully won't do) its not about you. Yeah thats right. Its not about YOU. Cause everyone seems to work themselves into a frenzy about posts and whatnot and its stupid. Really stupid. And what bothers me the most, of all the stupid shit that goes on around here is the phrase "Well, like , i haven't seen so and so in like 3 days". Well i havent' seen alot of people in a lot of days. If someone doesn't wanna hang out with me..thats cool. If someone has other plans, I don't expect them to drop them for me. If someone just feels like hanging out with someone else. THATS COOL. I hate feeling obligated to spend a required amount of time with people. For example: "I haven't seen susan(* names changed to protect the innocent) in days" WA WA WA..BLAH BLAH BLAH..well what about Bill , Ted, and Mary...i don't see you shitting bricks about them. And Mary hasn't seen Susan in 2 weeks...what about them? I have no fucking clue where i am going with this. But its something to complain about. My advice to everyone is to re-fucking-lax. Everyone has their damn panties in a knot these days.
** note to self -next post should have: less swearing, more funny, less bitchy

Thursday, March 14, 2002

Holy Fucking Shit. Like seriously. Ever have one of those days where everything just digs right the fuck at you and you wanna just fucking break stuff? Well lucky me, i'm having one of those days. I researched all fucking day at school. GOD I HATE SCHOOL. Then i had to walk home against a cold head wind which took 30 minutes. I arrive home to find there is no GOD DAMN FOOD. My mom goes out to get some sobeys chicken and brings me home some. This was the first thing i ate all day (its now 5:30) except for a handful of jelly tots and i ate the damn thing, bones and all. I didn't mention that i am deathly ill, and coughing up my insides every 2-3 minutes. I fall asleep for 2 hours and wake up hungry, thinking about these awesome kettle creek hickory bbq chips that I bought that were in the kitchen. Since i was sick i thought about for a good 5 miutes before I get up to retrieve them. When I get the kitchen. THEY ARE GONE. and who ate them. MY MOTHERFUCKING STUPID ASS VEGAN BROTHER WHO WON'T TOUCH ANY FOOD OF MINE OTHER THAN THOSE GOD DAMN CHIPS. Fuck, i wanted those chips. With no chips in sight, i go downstairs to make a bibilography for my english class due the next day. AND FUCK. Of course they couldn't come right out and tell you how to do the god damn thing. You have to piece together 20 different sheets of paper websites just to find out you have no fucking clue what you are doing. This is when i try to rip my book in half. FUCKING BOOKS I HATE YOU. Of course, i couldn't rip the book and here i am now. Bitching like a mo-fucker. god i'm sick. My mother seems to find a problem with me going to the store becuase its 10. OH GOD. ITS 10 and its the end of the world. I have one of those mothers that even though you aren't really doing anything wrong, they'll just find something. OH GOD YOU CAN'T GO TO THE STORE ITS 10!!!!!! MAKE YOURSELF SOMETHING. I BOUGHT LETTUCE! WEll jesus, i'll just chew on a head of lettuce then. Fuck ya'll. Oh yeah, and my god damn pants weren't on the fucking floor. Fuck you.
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