Friday, March 21, 2003

Alright, note to self:
1. Do not to ritual and drink at 2:45 in the afternoon
2. if you choose to go, do not drink beer (which you have never drank before)
3. Do not let all the people who you tell you hate beer let you see you drinking it, because they will try to fill you full of it.
4.Do not stumble directly home and shovel in a massive plate of spagetti because your stomach "feels funny"

Its 11o'clock and i just woke up from like a 3 hour nap to recover from all that. Blarrrg.

In other news, Katie, Sharone, and Craig are coming to PEI this summer. Katie is definatly definatly coming, so she says. It should be fun. I hope they do come. I 've heard way way too much pei bashing.

I went to Costco yesterday. We bought a 4kg box of strawberries. GIANT STRAWBERRIES. YUMMMMM. Not to mention Giant bags of tortialla's, engish muffins, icecream drumsticks, etc. And lots of samples.

Anyways, home monday

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

I'm not sure if its because i'm isolated in kingston, but I have never felt PMS like this before. I have cried numberable times, sparatically throughout the day for the last like 3 days. I just called my mom and am bawling my eyes out cause my cat is sick.

Poor Brian though, I think i've tried to beat him up like 8 times in the last 2 days. And i am seriously trying to do damage, he thinks its funny. I'm like sad one minutes and like violent the next, and EXTREMELY restless. Phew,, alright i'm ok now. It passes quickly.

Mike got me a ticket for swollen members, he is all that and a bag of peanuts. Hot nuts, like the ones at dooley's. Oh yeah.

I'm home on Monday, by the way.

Sunday, March 16, 2003

Hey Guys,
Whats going on? Carolyn, you should post about whats going on there? I am definatly not getting enough info about that. So Noel left for Austrailia on Saturday morning. i was kinda sad to see him go. I can't imagine how scary it would be to pack all your shit into one big backpack and take off not knowing where you are going. Well we wish him luck.

So I really don't have much to say. I can't wait to go out with my girlfriends when i get home. I'm just not doing enough dancin here. Plus it wouldn't be the same.